Corona virus was never a threat lurking around a corner.
Corona virus was never a threat lurking around a corner. Or, can I correct myself there, the virus itself - my conceptualisation of its spiky balled glueyness, the way it lay in the thick lining of your throat and then got transported down to stick on your lungs, making them heavier, deflating them, adding a bruising feeling to the way they re-inflated. This was not because I was so far removed from my own mortality to be oblivious to disease in general. I've always recognised it as a strange twist in logic that those who are - at least on the surface level - the most reckless with regard their own physical safety are also those who are most in-tune with mortality. Like many, I became familiar with the word corona before I was told how it attacked the body. I imagined, in line with the orthodoxy purveyed to us back then, that it would dehabilitate, suck out all the standing in these fragile bodies we relied upon for all, or almost all, value we attached to the concept of li...